Service - our strongest discipline

We are there when it matters
With the areas of customer service, laboratory equipment service and platform/ERP system connection, we cover the entire spectrum of professional support in the laboratory sector. Our DIN ISO certification guarantees you consistently high service quality.

For your decisive advantage
Our service for you: Our experts support you with know-how and market knowledge in laboratory planning, special designs and quality management. Are you planning to expand your laboratory? We can recommend the right furniture and a plan that will simplify your daily workflow. In addition, we offer custom-made products made of glass, stainless steel and plastic. We prepare up-to-date information on quality management for you in seminars. Ask for our program!
Safety must be
Our service for materials and equipment: Manufacturer-trained service technicians from our company perform legally required safety inspections and maintenance on your equipment and promptly take care of professional repairs to your liquid handling products and laboratory balances. We repair and maintain autoclaves, centrifuges, incubators, drying cabinets, microbiological workbenches, fume hoods and safety cabinets. In addition, we qualify, validate and calibrate according to applicable standards and operational specifications. The regeneration of ion exchangers and pipette calibration according to your individual calibration cycles complete our service portfolio.

Special conditions preprogrammed
Benefit from an efficient procurement process with pre-set special conditions for your company, with clearly defined approval procedures and fixed article selection. By using BMECat, eCl@ss, UNSPSC, other specific formats or the connection via your own ERP system such as SAP R/3®, you have direct access to our products and services in your familiar working environment. Our powerful IT with open catalog interface allows connection to any ERP or catalog system.
Dabei sein ist alles
Vorteile bei Einkauf und Lieferung durch die Gemeinschaft.
Als Partner und Anteilseigner der Lab Logistics Group (LLG), der größten Verbundgruppe des Laborfachhandels, bieten wir Ihnen Vorteile, die bares Geld wert sind. Durch die Nutzung des LLG Vertriebs- und Logistikzentrums sind Ihre bestellten Verbrauchsmaterialien schnell lieferbar. Die Zugehörigkeit zur Verbundgemeinschaft ermöglicht Ihnen Vorteilskonditionen, die Sie im regulären Einkauf nicht erzielen würden.